Posted by: timchamen | December 31, 2009

Creating a controlled traffic farming blog

Controlled traffic farming needs a lot of thought and planning and being able to “talk” to others about how to do it can be extremely valuable. We’ve created this blog so that all the aspects of CTF can be discussed. For example, what drill would be best for you, what sat nav do you need and a host of other things.

Are there any things you want to know about?


  1. CTF, with precision, allows a whole range of different cropping options– but none are that obvious until you are in it.

    I agree the important thing it to take the first steps, to see how cropping beds can be managed for optimal cropping, and traffic lanes managed for the diametrically opposite needs of efficient traffic.

  2. I agree about the fact that CTF is taking you to another level of precision.
    Concerning precision, I have a question weather variable rate seeding is a good way of managing variations in soiltypes. Heavy clay – sand
    I`m thinking of controlling my airseeder with a device from david king electronics so that it will be connected to my EZ-500.
    If anyone have experience from VRA and seeding please let me know.

  3. Varying seed rate with soil texture (type) is an accepted practice and seems to be one thing that does work. You might find some information about this in the following publication, which you can download as a pdf. Hope this is helpful.

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